Obálky knih série Harry Potter jako jednoduché ale úžasné gify

Co kdyby se obálky knih mohly pohybovat? Jak by vypadaly obálky série knih Harryho Pottera, kdyby byly tvořeny z minimalistických gifů? Autorovi těhle gifů se to až neuvěřitelně vydařilo...

1. Harry Potter a Kámen Mudrců
7 "Harry Potter" Book Covers Reimagined As GIFs

2. Harry Potter a Tajemná Komnata
7 "Harry Potter" Book Covers Reimagined As GIFs

3. Harry Potter a Vězeň z Azkabanu
7 "Harry Potter" Book Covers Reimagined As GIFs

4. Harry Potter a Ohnivý Pohár
7 "Harry Potter" Book Covers Reimagined As GIFs

5. Harry Potter a Fénixův Řád
7 "Harry Potter" Book Covers Reimagined As GIFs

6. Harry Potter a Princ Dvojí Krve
7 "Harry Potter" Book Covers Reimagined As GIFs

7. Harry Potter a Relikvie Smrti
7 "Harry Potter" Book Covers Reimagined As GIFs

Zdroj: BuzzFeed
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Článek publikoval(a): Alesia

"You don't just give up. You don't just let things happen. You make a stand! You say no! You have the guts to do what's right, even when everyone else just runs away."
"Don't let the muggles get you down."
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